Do you work for Free?
Like so many bloggers I am often pitched my advertising companies seeking to place ADs in various forms on my blog. Some of them are seeking free advertising and I think this is a shame. They work for a living so why do they think bloggers don't as well? Why must so many seek to take advantage of bloggers?
No matter how good an advertisement is do Newspapers, Magazines, TV networks and Google place them for free for you? Why ask bloggers to? Your getting paid and so should we.
Shame on you!
When Andrew Goodman ( contacting me asking about Guest Posting opportunities (his words) and sharing about a company he is representing that has a smartphone tracking application that is great for parents I replied letting him know I might be interested and would like to know more including what his budget was for that kind of advertising space.
His response was rather shocking. He tried to tell me that my blog had only so many viewers from my country and because of this he thought it was fair that I should post his advertising for free. After making sure his numbers where very wrong I replied letting him know his numbers are wrong and that I don't take kindly to being asked to work for free.
In the end it is my opinion that he is just another predator trying to feed on bloggers that don't know any better than to stay clear of the likes of him.
Blog Safe!
His response was rather shocking. He tried to tell me that my blog had only so many viewers from my country and because of this he thought it was fair that I should post his advertising for free. After making sure his numbers where very wrong I replied letting him know his numbers are wrong and that I don't take kindly to being asked to work for free.
Paid to Blog!
He let me know he pays his writers well and the keywords are well researched and yadda yadda and that his source is never mistaken. Of course he didn't reveal his source but I can promise Google Analytics and my internal blog stats say his "source" certainly is.In the end it is my opinion that he is just another predator trying to feed on bloggers that don't know any better than to stay clear of the likes of him.
Blog Safe!