Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blogging: When Not To Pitch A Company


Blogging TIP: Know when to Pitch

Knowing when to Pitch a company is almost as important as making sure you have a good pitch. Sadly newbie bloggers and professionals alike sometimes don't realize that there are good and bad times to pitch to companies. 

What is Pitching?

So first I need to make sure you know what a Pitch is, it is a form of communication used to try to sell an idea. For most bloggers it is done in the form of an e-mail. Most bloggers have their standard pitch that they keep in a file on their computers and the smart ones will customise it for the company they are pitching to. 

You find the contact information and you send the e-mail. Sending the e-mail though on a Friday or a Weekend though can mean though that your wasting your time. Experience has shown some of the best bloggers that they hear back from companies 40% less often if they pitch on those days. The e-mail gets buried under other e-mails and important work and it is easy to be forgotten. 

So spend Friday and Saturday building quality content or spending time with loved ones and renewing your spirit. 

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