Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blogging Tip - Get in the Group

One of the key things to blogging is social networking these days and one of the best ways to network and grow I have discovered is to make sure you know the right people and are in the right blogging groups. The best blogging groups I have found so far are organized not on forums but rather facebook groups. This could change in the future but for now this is how it is. 

I am in three that I check on multiple times of day. They provide different things. One is very exclusive and I couldn't get you into it if I tried. They find companies that need reviews and then make sure those in our group get them and do them well. Another group is all about support in social marketing and SEO, and the other is a group run by a blogger who gets us paid posts for a commission of her own and goodness she does she deserve it. All three groups save me a lot of time and help my blog grow and make sure I have a lot to do.

Remember Blogging Is Not Just About Readers!

It is also about your relationship to other bloggers and companies that count on you! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Has GoDaddy Been Hacked

FACT: GoDaddy has many websites including it's own down! 

According to many sites including godaddy is Hacked.
It is not yet confirmed though and as of 4:00pm EST no motive has been posted. 

Because they can Might be the real answer

Just because one can do something doesn't mean one should however! 

Another theory is that it was hacked because of #SOPA support, only anyone who knows both GoDaddy and SOPA issues knows that GoDaddy listened to the people and stopped supporting SOPA last year! So what is the real deal with this? 

One thing is for certain, bloggers and businesses who have sites down right now from this ARE suffering for it. They are losing business and maybe minutes off their lives from the worry of it. 

Blogging Tip: Be Specific

Image Credit

 Dear Blogger,

         When you post to complain about how companies do not want to work with you as they are looking for Niche blogs, take that as a hint! Do not go trying to talk them into seeing that you post about what they are looking for too! Over all blogs are not what the market wants! I know it might be hard to find your Niche but you need to do just that. If your blessed with more then one Niche, make TWO blogs!

         This is not a new tip, but an important one to remember. If you want to blog about books and mommy life, make two blogs, else make a blog about Mommy Books or Children's Books!

         You can do this! You really can. Write about what you love and if you love many things, make more blogs! It is what readers want, it is what google wants, and it what clients who hire or work with bloggers want. If you want to make money blogging you need to be specific!

                                                                                                           All the best,
                                                                                                        Not Yet A Blogging Goddess