Sunday, December 18, 2011

Not a Goddess Yet!

  You might wonder why I have a blog with the title "A Blogging Goddess" if I am not such a being yet.
Yet. You might well be, and if you are, I bow before you. I have been blogging a bit for years now, but started making a big effort for 2011 with a 365 photo blog. Mostly it is of my children, projects, life. Things that are personal. I was getting a few hundred views a month, not that I paid much attention. I was writing for me, for those who know me personally so they could keep up, and so that I would be able to look back on this year and remember it more clearly. I will explain why another day I imagine.

   Then one day I was out of the blue asked to review a book. I was taken back by the notion. Me? It was not like I had a lot of readers or comments, it was not because I was someone ever so special as you might be in the internet world. It was however and offer. I took it. Now with this possibility in my mind I started to think more about where my blogging could go, how maybe, just maybe, my beloved internet time could further serve my family and my creative spirit.

  Before my eyes it started to unfold. I found a small group of mothers online who do small reviews. I was offered a few and did them joyfully. I got to try free products and give my honest opinion. Whats not to love? But then I had my first review and giveaway. I had no idea how much work it would be when I started it. Work you say?

 Shouldn't people flock to enter a give away for something free? I thought so too. I was wrong. Maybe you knew it wasn't easy. I wish I had. So I spent countless hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I needed more readers, I needed readers that didn't just know me, and didn't just have my main theme in common. I needed readers who seek out giveaways. It took me a bit but I found them. My blog went from rather unknown to now over 2,000 hits a month. This I promise you if you don't know, is still small, minuscule even. Just as this one now is all bright and shinny and new, in a wide open black internet as no one knows I am yet here, well if your reading this you know I am here.

  So here I shall be, learning how to be an blogging Goddess. I hope to learn from the best, and you are one such goddess, I am all ears and eyes if you are willing to share tips. If however your a new little blogger, maybe I can make your path to being a blogging Goddess smoother.

  This shall be my journal of blogging goodness. I will post resources and tips and I am sure a lot of things you may with you did not take the time to read! Your time has value, specially if your a stay at home mother.  Now to just give your time and talents a voice and an audience.

  Happy Blogging! 

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